I was so excited when my good friend and previous Naturopath, Kasey Wilson ND told me about a Naturopath we have in Port Lincoln, Tessa Roberts of Eyre Naturopath. Tessa is so understanding and caring & also extremely passionate about what she does, and because of her extensive knowledge & beautiful nature I ended up hiring her for a mini wellness retreat I ran back in March 2015 (what a hit!). Since then I have chosen to consult with her so that I may continue to learn about & improve my health further. You have to get to know this amazing soul:-

Tessa Roberts ND Photo

“Health is a sense of balance in your overall life. It’s not just about eating healthy foods, but about moving your body regularly, not being consumed by stresses and spending time being around and doing things that you love and enjoy”


What does “healthy” or “health” mean to you?

Health is a sense of balance in your overall life. It’s not just about eating healthy foods, but about moving your body regularly, not being consumed by stresses and spending time being around and doing things that you love and enjoy.

Can you give us a bit of a personal background into you and how you got here?

I have always loved cooking and eating healthy which I think stems from my mum and grandmothers. After school I knew that I wanted to do something in this area but wasn’t sure what. I started and finished a massage course but found it too physically demanding on my body. However, at the same college they offered Naturopathy and Nutrition and so naturally I fell into it and loved every minute. I have worked for some fantastic practitioner only product companies in sales and education, consulted with clients in private practice and used natural medicine in my everyday life since finishing my degree.

Can you explain a bit to the readers about what a Naturopath is and does, and do you apply this knowledge to your daily life?

A Naturopath looks at the cause of the disease or health concern. We look at what is causing our patients ill health and aim to work on the underlying issue. We use both therapeutic doses of nutritional supplementation and herbal tinctures mixed to the individual. Yes, absolutely I apply this to my everyday life! I use Naturopathic medicines as preventatives for some of my own health issues and I also use them in acute health situations such as when I have a cold I will high dose Vitamin C, Zinc and a herb called andrographis to reduce the severity.

How are you helping other people in their journey to improve their quality of life & why is helping people so important to you?

I strongly feel that when people are aware that it is only themselves that can be responsible for their health, then are they ready to make big changes. It is important to me as I understand how good one can feel in a state of optimal health and how poorly one can feel when they are not looking after their body.

Have you used hypnotherapy before and if so, please detail your experience

I have used Indigo Phoenix Hypnotherapy before and it gave me a profound sense of calm after my sessions. As someone who gets overwhelmed easily this is something I am constantly working on. Hypnotherapy has assisted me in how I deal with anxieties when they arise.

What advice do you have for anyone wanting to make changes in their lives?

Take personal responsibility and be ready to put in the hard work, time and effort.

What is one very valuable lesson you have learned on your own personal journey that you can share with our readers?

To seek health advice when your gut instinct tells you to. Personally, I have had a few significant health breakdowns that have occurred when I have kept pushing myself or put off seeking health advice due to monetary concerns. Doing this only made things worse in the long-term. If you feel something is not right within yourself, chances are it isn’t; keep seeking different opinions until you receive answers whether it be from a Naturopath, Chiro, Physio or GP.

What are your ideal goals for your business and personally?

Personally, I would like to extend my knowledge further into the area of womens hormonal health and helping children with Autism through diet.

Who (if any) are your inspirations?

I have a beautiful yoga teacher as an aunt who I admire as well as a wonderful little sister who is always wowing me with her cooking and my mum who has since day one cooked our family delicious healthy food each night.

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“… because of [Tessa’s] extensive knowledge & beautiful nature I ended up hiring her for a mini wellness retreat I ran back in March 2015 (what a hit!)”

Thank you for sharing your journey & insight Tessa. You truly are a beautiful soul and a wonderful asset to the Port Lincoln area. I wish you continued growth & success in all areas, and look forward to working with you on more projects 🙂

Xx Chantelle Xx