ABC Kimberley Radio Station

Recently I had the pleasure of being invited on to one of Broome’s local radio stations, ABC Kimberley to discuss with the jovial host, Lana Reed all things mindset training, mental health & mindfulness. Thank you Lana and ABC Kimberley for providing a platform and opportunity to share my passion with your listeners – truly grateful!

<< ABC Kimberley Radio Interview >>

As I reflected (proudly) on the interview, I found my thoughts drifting to the possible collective ideas around these topics covered… And I find myself now SUPER INTRIGUED to know how others (YOU) perceive the following topics and in a busy world, I would be honoured if you’d share your time with me by providing your responses to the below questions:

  1. What is the “mind” to you (how would you describe it)?
  2. What does “mental health” look like and mean to you?
  3. What is your understanding and perception of “mindfulness
    (and if happy to elaborate your answer, what do you do to actively become mindful)?


If you indulge in my curiosity by answering the questions above, please know I am sincerely thankful! I would also love to know what you got out of the radio interview.


–> And finally I’ll leave you with my FAVOURITE MINDFUL TIP <–

Simple, right?! In a world full of complications, be a rebel and keep it simple!

We breathe every single day – between 17,000 to 30,000 breaths per day, as a matter of fact – and yet rarely draw our conscious awareness to it. Deep breathing is our gift, giving us the natural ability to relax, relieve stress and become mindful whenever we choose.

Go ahead & indulge – take a nice slow deep inhale all the way down comfortably in to your belly (diaphragm), gently hold that breath as you let your shoulders drop and your jaw hang loose and slack… now slowly release the breath and let your muscles melt into that exhale. Now if safe to do so, close your eyes and repeat. Shift your mind fully into your breathing, and repeat again and again, and again… as many times as you like.


It’s as easy as 1… 2… BREATHE


Founder, Mindset Trainer & HypnoCoach