Danielle Pearsall - Hashimoto's

Please summarise your view on holistic health?

My approach to health and healing is one of seeing our body, mind and spirit as being multi-faceted and very intricate. When we have dis~ease present in our body it is the body’s way of alerting us that change needs to happen on one, or many, levels. When healing is approached from a holistic place and the mind, body and spirit are all taken into account, true change can take place and lead to a healthy and amazingly happy life.

Can you share a little with us about your personal journey and why you started a Facebook Page for those with Hashimoto’s Disease?

In 2010 I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease; Hashimoto’s (also known as Thyroiditis) is an auto-immune disease where the immune system attacks the thyroid. It took me about 10 years to get diagnosed and in that time my life had disintegrated into existing, not living, and it had affected every area of my life to the point where I could no longer work or function well. Bad brain fog, memory issues, extreme lethargy, bloating, depression, hair falling out, massive weight gain, thinning eye brows, etc are all a part of Hashimoto’s.

After diagnosis I massively threw myself into research. I joined Facebook groups and online websites specifically aimed at supporting those with this disease. I saw the need for Australians to have their own support group as we have different tests ranges and the medications here have different names to those in the rest of the world (and an already brain-fogged mind does not need more confusion when reaching out for help and working out this disease). So I started up a group called ‘Hashimoto’s Australia’, which group is going strong and now has 900 members!! Without that group and helping others to get well, I would not be well today. I found the best way to deal with my health was to be on a Paleo diet (more a lifestyle for me than a diet now) which involves giving up all gluten & grains, dairy, processed sugars & processed foods. This left fruit, vegetables, eggs, nuts & meat. It was  extremely hard at first, but I improved greatly, and with the help of a good naturopath, chiropractor, and also by working with & teaching my doctor what I had learned about my dis~ease, I was able to progressively come back from complete exhaustion & no will to live, to walking 7kms a day, very happy, and working again. I had spent 2.5 years studying and reading and basically learning all I could and applying the knowledge to myself, and I also looked at the things that caused auto immunity in the first place, and the self sabotage that often goes hand-in-hand with those who have an A.I dis~ease.

The dis~ease has been a HUGE blessing to me as I have made and met wonderful friends from all over the world. I see life very differently now and have a huge amount of gratitude for even the smallest things in life like being able to walk my dog. It truly is the little things in life!

Why is helping people so important to you, and what have you noticed since starting the Facebook Page?

I absolutely LOVE helping people with their health & healing journey! I had very little to no support for the first year after my diagnosis. I know only too well what it is like to be chronically ill and alone with no energy and no life and not knowing who to turn to for support as far as health practitioners. My personal struggle gave me a very deep sense of empathy for others, and if I can help short track someone’s journey to wellness, then all my years of pain & struggle have been very worth it.
Sadly many people with this disease and or hypothyroidism have committed suicide due to not getting the help they needed. On a positive note many people have gotten well since joining the Facebook group. That is a great feeling to know I played a small part in that, and often they go on to help others so it continues to move forward and make positive changes. On this page there are many files full of wonderful information available to group members, a list of good doctors in Australia, and lots of information on optimal thyroid hormone levels and help to change the diet. Many are told their thyroid hormones are within range, but the ranges are wide and someone’s optimal levels may be very different to the ‘acceptable range’. 

I am an absolute Kefir fan because of you – so refreshing, and good for us! Can you explain a little to people about what Kefir is and how it assists your health?

Water Kefir is an AMAZING homemade Probiotic drink AND it tastes great too (which is not often the case with things that are really good for us)! It is fizzy like soft drink and can be flavored many different ways but most people prefer the lemonade or passionfruit flavour. It is fantastic for children as well, or anyone who has had antibiotics. Just two tablespoons of Water Kefir is equal to a full bottle of probiotics!! Most store bought probiotics have between 2-12 different strains of good bacteria in them. Kefir has whopping 25-30 different strains and they are definitely alive when you have them. Not always the case with shelf bought ones.

The stomach flora is of utmost importance when it comes to functioning at optimal health. One of the stages before auto immunity happens is a breakdown in good gut health and something called Leaky Gut or Intestinal Permeability. This breakdown in the gut lining then leads to a huge amount of inflammation in the system and also allows bacteria and parasites direct access to the blood stream (not good)! A way to help heal the gut is by taking good quality probiotics daily. Water Kefir is very cheap to make and is amazingly good for us in many ways. All you need is the starter culture (I have these for anyone who would like to get started) and good quality water and a few other easily attainable things.

Here are a few ways Water Kefir helps: · Water Kefir inhibits the growth of unfriendly bacteria and yeasts, and helps beneficial Probiotic micro-organisms to colonise and thrive in your digestive tract, and throughout the test of the body (skin, eyes, bladder, vagina, nose, throat, etc). · Contributes to a healthy immune system. · Reduces inflammation. · health and longevity is good digestion, and a balance of good bacteria is the essential starting point. · Heals, or reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS including bloating, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhoea/constipation, nausea, low energy, muscle aches and pains. · heals intestinal dysbiosis and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). · Increased energy and overall feeling of good health.· It can stop unhealthy food cravings, especially for sugars and sweet foods. · Skin complexion and overall condition improves. Brown liver spots & age spots can fade, as can skin tags, moles, warts etc. It can ease or cure many skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. · Hair and nails look healthier, and are strengthened and improved. · Liver cleansing, as in traditional Chinese medicine, thus easing aches and joint pains, and benefiting the eyes. · Glandular (endocrine) system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries) benefits. Women have healthier periods; some women have periods start again after early menopause. · A tranquillising effect on the nervous system has helped many who suffer from sleep disorders and insomnia, depression, ADHD and autism.

Click on this informative link for those who would like to read a little more about it.

Have you experienced hypnotherapy and how did it help you?

I have found hypnosis to be a very valuable tool on my healing journey and have had some amazing results in a very short time with it!! It is incredible for clearing blocks that are within us and for using the power of the subconscious mind to move forward in leaps and bounds. There is so much untapped potential within us and we can be so much more when people can overcome fears and stigmas about hypnotherapy.

I personally have used Hypnotherapy for overcoming my memory issues that seemed to be one area I could not get improvement in, even after years of working on myself in lots of different areas. I noticed a remarkable difference even on the first day after a hypnosis session to address memory issues and am happily surprised daily at how amazingly well it has worked for me! I did not realize just how much my lack of memory was affecting my self esteem, work and social life until it was massively improved with hypnotherapy!

If I had have known this years ago I would have had it done back then & saved myself the many embarrassing moments my memory issues had put me in! 

What is one very valuable lesson you have learned on your own personal journey?

The main lesson I have had throughout my health journey is to draw healthy personal boundaries. This applies to food, family, friends, work/life balance, exercise and rest. Before my diagnosis I would give way too much of my precious little energy away to others, even those who did not have my best interest at heart. I was a classic “yes” girl. I learned to say no, with grace & with ease, and it did take practice! I learned to say no to foods that cause an inflammatory reaction, no to what I call energy vampires who take too much of your time & energy, no to work that caused my spirit to contract and wither, and a big NO to anything or anyone that was draining me physically or mentally. I had to learn that I do not have to be superwoman to be accepted. I had to learn to relax and to meditate and also to do the things that feed & nurture my spirit, and be around those who encourage & uplift me!

From personal experience, what advice would you give people wanting to change their lives?

I would first ask them to examine what their motivating force is. Do you want to change to be healthier, happier, live life to its fullest? When you can answer those things, you then know what will motivate you to stay on track during those testing times…and the tests WILL come! Once we declare that we don’t want something in our lives or are no longer going to allow space in our lives for a habit or situation, that situation or something similar will arise to test you. It is as if the universe says ‘oh you’re not going to do that anymore/you don’t want that anymoreok let’s see if you mean it’.

Lower the toxic load in your life. Today’s onslaught of chemicals applied daily in the form of shampoo’s, moisturizers, toxic heavily processed (so called) foods, sugar, fluoridated water, cleaning agents/detergents, pesticides, etc all have much healthier alternatives. Adrenal health is another very important factor in optimal health. So many people run on caffeine, sugar and stress and very few realize the incredible job our adrenals do until they start to fail.

All up, listen to your body closely, the more you listen the better you become at listening and the faster you can achieve health & wellness. 

Feed your body, mind & soul what it is meant to have, and it will do what it is meant to do. Good nutrition is paramount!!I have heard from many Doctors that Hashimoto’s dis~ease is for life and once a person has it, they just have to learn to manage it. I have two friends who have put this dis~ease into remission so far. It CAN be done! My antibodies have been dropping for the last year and I am only months away from remission myself !!! 

Who are your inspirations ?

I have been hugely inspired by people like Louise Hay, Dr Wayne W Dyer & Caroline Myss, they all work with affirmations, the power of the mind, and manifesting the life you want. Also I am incredibly blessed to know an amazing author & beautiful friend, Stacey Robbins who recently wrote a book on Hashimoto’s. This is an awesome book on living with an auto immune disease, it made me laugh, cry, and nod my head many times! Stacey has dealt with this dis~ease with such grace and humility that it inspires me daily to be better & do more to help others.

I also look up to anyone who has suffered a chronic illness and has come out the other side better for it and has turned lemons into lemonade so to speak, as sadly SO many become embittered and lose themselves in the ‘poor me’ part that can really drag someone dawn into a much worse place.

The other person who inspires me is my beautiful mum. During my darkest years she loved me and supported me as much as she could without understanding what was happening to me. She picked me up numerous times, prepared Paleo meals when I was too ill to cook for myself and didn’t judge me but always believed that I would get better, and help many others in the process. This is exactly what happened!!!

THANK YOU DANIELLE for sharing your story, and we look forward to you finally being in remission; you certainly have worked for it and deserve it! Wish you a life journey of continuous health, love and fulfilment.

Chantelle xx